Quality Assurance and TestingThe district is dedicated to providing a safe water supply to its customers. To meet this goal, we employ proper procedures along with extensive testing to insure that the water that reaches your tap is safe
Backflow PreventionTo prevent potentially contaminated water from flowing back from a customer's plumbing into the district system; a backflow preventer is installed on each connection. The type of device installed depends on the level of potential threat posed. Although these devices serve to protect other customers, they do nothing to protect a user from contamination occurring at his or her own home or business. Two major potential sources of contamination come from hose bibs and sprinkling systems. Common construction practice and plumbing codes require the installation of and vacuum breaker on hose bibs and the use of sprinkler valves equipped with a vacuum breaker. We have prepared a brochure explaining these devices. Customers having concerns about this subject should contact the district or a qualified plumber for help. District policy regarding the subject can be found here, |